Publications represéntatives


Articles et contributions à des ouvrages collectifs

Critiques de livres (et de films)

Publications à paraître

  • International Law for Diplomats (editor), Brill, The Hague (book)
  • Derecho internacional público para diplomáticos argentinos (editor), APSEN, Buenos Aires (book)
  • La nacionalidad argentina, 2nd. edition, La Ley, Buenos Aires (book)
  • « The Hague Academy of International Law and Latin America », European Journal of International Law (journal article)
  • “African Jurists in the Four International Legal Institutions: IDI, Hague Academy, ICJ and ILC. A Survey and Comparative Study with Other Regions”, African Review of International Law (journal article)
  • “La inmunidad de jurisdicción de las organizaciones internacionales y su relación con el derecho de acceso a la justicia”, in G. Bottini, S. González Napolitano and G. Makowski (eds.), El derecho internacional en acción: entre la docencia y la práctica / International Law in Action: Between Teaching and Practice. Liber Amicorum Raúl Emilio Vinuesa, Marcial Pons, Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Madrid (book chapter)
  • “On the Suitability of the Law of Treaties to Resolve Conflicts Between Treaties in the Field of Private International Law: A Response to Professors Majoros, Noodt Taquela and Others », in S. Bariatti, G. Biagioni, L. Schiano and P. Franzina (eds.), The Law of Treaties as Applied to Private International Law (book chapter)
  • “On the Obligations of Investors under International Law: Trends and Avenues” (with J. Shaw Kern), in M. M. Mbengue, J. Shaw Kern and M. Khubchandani (eds.), Investor Obligations in International Law, Brill (book chapter)
  • « Soft Law: Non-Legally Binding and Relevant. From Stagnation to Actionability? » (with A. Giustiniani), in M. Ch. Malaguti, A. M. Tanzi and N. Ridi (eds.), Making Sense of Soft Law: Lawmaking, State Responsibility and the Sources of Law, Brill (book chapter)
  • “Nacionalidad, asilo y refugio”, in S. González Napolitano (ed.), Lecciones de derecho internacional, Errepar, Buenos Aires, 2nd. edition (book chapter)
  • “Argentina, 1985 (Santiago Mitre, 2022)”, in M. Perrin, 100 films à voir (ou à revoir), Mare & Martin (film review)